Officer Responsibilities
Officer Responsibilities
Duties of the President
- Coordinate and plan the Association conference and meeting, including location, dates, costs, and agenda;
- Presiding over all business meetings of the Association;
- Acting as spokesperson, or appointing a Delegate from Active Membership, for the Association and presenting resolutions adopted by the Association;
- Coordinating all action and communication on resolutions and/or motions developed by the Association;
- Acting as general manager of the Association;
- Ensuring communication with the membership with all association updates;
- Present proposed amendments to the Association Bylaws to Association Officers for consideration. Proposed changes shall be approved by a majority vote. Upon approval, the President shall present proposed amendments to the full membership for consideration.
Duties of the 1st Vice President
- Assisting the President with administrative / management tasks;
- Planning for the next year’s conference;
- Maintaining physical and digital inventories of Association property, databases, software, online accounts, and the credentials and licenses associated.
Duties of the 2nd Vice President
- Assisting the President with administrative I management tasks;
- Conducting the Annual State Survey of all Association members and presenting its results at the Annual Business Meeting;
- Coordinating with the Communications Director on conducting all surveys, requests for input, or response-driven discussions of all Association members and presenting the results to the Executive Board.
Duties of the Secretary
- Keeping all correspondence of the Association and minutes of the meetings;
- Ensuring that approved Association business policies and procedures are followed;
- Coordinating the publishing and dissemination of the quarterly Association Newsletter with the Communications Director;
- Coordinating with the Communications Director to make Association meeting minutes accessible via online hosting for Association membership review.
Duties of the Treasurer
- Establishing a checking account under the Association’s name, and include President and Vice President as signers on account;
- Ensuring the collection of all fees or monies due to the Association and payment of all bills incurred by the Association from the monies collected;
- Ensuring the timely filing of relevant tax and corporate paperwork;
- Ensuring that approved Association business policies and procedures are followed;
- Send quarterly bank statements to President and Vice President;
- Coordinate with the Communications Director for the storage and availability of the year-end Treasurer’s report to be available for review by the Coordinating Committee and Board of Directors.
Duties of the Coordinating Committee
- Ensure continued coordination during the year between the members of the Association on state program concerns and gather input to issues that affect the Association;
- Assist the President in periodically corresponding with Association members on those concerns and issues in which the committee became involved;
- Assist the President in determining the agenda for the annual conference, including but not limited to workshops, trainers, and speakers affiliated with the criminal justice community;
- The Coordinating Committee shall conduct a yearly audit of previous year Association’s final year-end treasurer’s report each December and report any findings or discrepancies to the Active membership.
Duties of the Advisory Policy Board (APB) Liaison
- Represent the Association for the APB process and be a voting member on the CJIS UCR Subcommittee. In the event the Liaison cannot attend a meeting, the President shall name an alternate to represent the Association;
- Prepare a report(s) for the Association on all meetings attended and coordinate with the Communications Director for dissemination and online storage of the report(s) ;
- Present a review of the meeting(s) attended at the Association’s annual conference;
- Assist the President in informing the Association of any UCR updates;
- Provide Association membership with APB Topic Papers for consideration.
Duties of the Communications Director
- Management and maintenance of the Association website (, or any succeeding website;
- Management and maintenance of the Association membership list on the Association website and ListServ, Google Group, or any future system or platform;
- Updating the website with all conference-related information;
- Coordination of the quarterly Association newsletter;
- Report to the Executive Board any potential software, website, platform, or other technological issues.
Duties of the Mentorship Program Coordinator
- Outreach and onboarding of new State Program Managers (SPM) to integrate them into the Association.
- Development and maintenance of the Association Welcome Kit, which includes a link to the Association website, a flier or document detailing what the goal(s) and purpose(s) of the Association are, and what resources the Association can provide to SPM’s;
- Assisting the Communications Director with the management and maintenance of the Association membership list on the Association website and ListServ, Google Group, or any future system or platform;
- Notifying the Executive Board of any SPM changes that they become aware of.
Duties of the Integrated Justice Information System (IJIS) Institute Liaison
- Represent the Association at the semi-annual IJIS meetings. In the event the Liaison cannot attend a meeting, the President shall name an alternate to represent the Association;
- Prepare a report(s) for the Association on all meetings attended and coordinate with the Communications Director for dissemination and online storage of the report(s);
- Present a review of the meeting(s) attended at the Association’s annual conference;
- Assist the President in informing the Association of any updates that may impact state UCR programs.